PRP Facial FAQs

Who is a good candidate for the PRP Facial?

During your consultation, Dr. Melfi will discuss your cosmetic expectations. The men and women who are the best candidates for the PRP Facial are those looking to improve fine lines and wrinkles, decrease scarring from acne, chicken pox and other tissue trauma, and improve texture and color, resulting in a fresher, more rested look. Those who do not need to add volume to their face are also better candidates for the PRP Facial.

How long will the effects last?

The PRP Facial, like any other PRP treatment, shows a gradual progression of improvement over time. Some notice improvements starting at 3 weeks and continued improvement over the next 3 months. Although the PRP Facial and PRP can help turn back the clock, annual maintenance treatments are recommended to maintain optimal and lasting results, since it does not stop the aging process. We suggest 3-4 sessions 4 weeks apart initially to address any trouble areas, and then maintenance treatments thereafter. Effects typically can last up to 12 months depending on the issues we are addressing. We recommend that you at least have annual treatments to maintain your skin’s vibrant and refreshed look. Some opt to have more frequent treatments due to the results they have achieved, and there is no contraindication to having more frequent sessions.

Are there any side effects? What can I expect afterwards?

There is minimal risk associated with PRP treatments, since it is derived from your own blood. However, you may want to plan on 48 hours of sensations of a moderate sunburn and dryness. After 48 hours most redness will have dissipated except for perhaps some blotchiness in areas. Consider planning the procedure on a Thursday or Friday when you can stay home for the weekend and pamper yourself with some home spa treatments. Such as mineral baths, manicures, pedicures, or a massage from your partner. Perhaps spend some luxurious time reading a book, or even trying some light meditation or breathing exercises!